(Devlog 2) Background Graphics


Paranormal Pursuit's atmosphere is dark, creepy and gloomy, this atmosphere creates an eerie  and spooky feel which encapsulates  the horror genre immediately upon playing. The first element of the atmosphere is the background, I decided to go with a 2d top down house  as the prototype.

Tile map and tile pallet:

To make the background I used a tile map I downloaded from the internet, the tile map was designed for horror 2d top down games which fit perfectly into the genre I wanted my game to be.  I first sliced the tile map into multiple images, this was crucial for the next step.   I then created a custom background by using the tile map in the tile pallet window. The tile pallet is split into two layers, the background and the decorations layer. To use the tile pallet affectedly, I added a grid game object to the scene which essential for it working.

Background Components:

The background child of the grid object is comprised of the default Tilemap and Tilemap Renderer in conjunction with a Tilemap Collide 2D, Rigidbody 2D and a Composite Collider. The extra Components make sure the the background can be interactive with the player.


Unfortunately the borders or collider walls that were generated on the tile map walls were inverted, meaning that the player would have to walk inside the wall before colliding with the border. After much research I ended up manually  fixing/inverting the collider borders inside the  sprite editor which was fairly time consuming.

Future Plans:

The games prototype  I am working on is essentially just level 1, in the future I would add multiple levels that would feature completely different environments.  for example, instead of a house as the first level I would add a abandoned hospital and other different backgrounds. 


The tile map is created by   assetbakery on itch.io

Tilemap:   https://assetbakery.itch.io/horror-house-tileset

assetbakery: https://assetbakery.itch.io/

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