Paranormal Pursuit

Paranormal Pursuit immerses the player in a captivating 2D top down horror experience. Dropping them into a sinister location, the player is tasked with figuring out what type of entity is haunting the domain. As the player navigates through each eerie room and ominous corner, the tension rises, pressuring the player to investigate further into the dark. Will you come out alive with the information and evidence you need, or fall victim to the evil within?


The player assumes the role of a paranormal investigator tasked with figuring out what variety  of ghost is haunting the location. Players can seek advice from their ghost encyclopedia, to match    the entities' appearance with the correct description of the ghost.

Ghost Encyclopedia

After the player has decided which variety of ghost is  haunting the location, they can then select the variant  and discover if they were right or wrong in their decision.

Gameplay Features

Paranormal Pursuit implements several features to engage the player in the captivating world of supernatural investigation.

 Spine chilling encounters compel the player to flee and seek refuge   from the ghost in  sneaky hiding spots such as closets    scattered throughout the environment, enthralling the player   in a    thrilling edge of your seat  experience.

With the guidance of only  the players   dim flashlight to navigate them through the unsettling environment, players can  illuminate shadowy rooms and gloomy hallways to increase their sanity while completing their mission.

Provided with a handy ghost detector gadget, the player can use this tool to detect the presence of a ghost and give them the heads up  buy themselves enough time to find hiding spot. 


Paranormal pursuit as of 01/05/24, is currently in its pre-alpha stage, while a very rough prototype of the game is available to play, the game is far from finished.   The games development is currently only run  by me

Development tools:

  • Unity
  • Filmora Pro
  • Microsoft Paint

About me:

I have a decent     experience in graphics design, knowing my way around several image editing software's, such as Photoshop, and Microsoft Paint. I also have limited experience in  Fusion360 and Blender.  I am a fairly experienced video editor, having used FilmoraPro, Wondershare Filmora and Adobe Premier Pro. I studied computer science, computing and graphics design in college,  and am currently studying ICT in university.

Updated 4 days ago
StatusIn development
Tags2D, Ghosts, Horror, Unity

Development log

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